Tuesday, January 25

Nutrition Book

This week in First Grade were studying nutrition. When I set out to build this unit I scoured the internet for ideas, and holy schmooley!!!!! There are a TON of fantastic resources for teaching nutrition on the WWW!
Unfortunately, my little nutrition unit is seriously smothered by time, so I had to compile a little bit of all of the resources I found into a small (okay, 18 page) book instead of using any online units. Hope it will help you!
And now for my own investigation of the little science called nutrition, I am going to explore the yummy looking cupcake on my desk...!!!
Happy eating!
Mrs. Thiessen


questions0882 said...

I would love to see your nutrition unit, but when I click on the link it says the document is not available.

Alexandra Thiessen said...

Goodness gracious, me! I am so terribly sorry that the link didn't work!
I tried creating a new link. If that doesn't work, just shoot me an email and I'll send you a copy of the book using good old fashioned email!

I also plan to put up a little food group sort and activity to go with this book as soon as I can get back to my precious little school computer! Just FYI :)

Sorry again! Have a GREAT night!
Alexandra :)

Lauren said...

Your boook is super cute! I can't wait to use it in March :) Thanks!

viagra pharmacy said...

Great site!

Katie P. said...

OMG-so cute!!! :)


Cathy said...

This is so awesome! Thanks so much for sharing...I love it!

pharmacy said...

my God!!

Jennifer said...

I really love your nutrition book! I write nutrition lesson plans for homeschoolers in upper elementary & middle school. I've posted on my blog about your awesome nutrition book for the younger siblings of my homeschoolers. You've done a beautiful job with this. Thanks for sharing! Oh, and here's a link to the post I did about your book:


Amy said...

Just found your blog through Pinterest and became a follower! LOVE this nutrition book. I am sad I just finished up my nutrition unit unit last week!! Next year..

Krazy About Kiddos

Michelle Rist said...

Love the nutrition book! I'm your newest follower!

glovera said...

So excited to print and use this next week as we lead into wellness day in our school on 4/27! Thanks so much for sharing this! It's exactly what I was looking for when I googled "First Grade Nutrition Unit".

Nutrition said...

This nutrition book is good and helping me in the intake of good diet with a schedule...

nutrition | nutrition articles

David Franklin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
www.rx247.net/ said...

Nutrition (also called nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support life. Many common health problems can be prevented or alleviated with a healthy diet.

Olwyn Hughes said...

Thanks for the great nutrition unit. It is just what I was looking for to start my studies on healthy eating!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I saw this on Pinterest and would love to use it for my nutrition week. The link seems to not work so I was wondering if you could email it to me? If so, my email is shell10_s@hotmail.com. Thanks so much!

Natalie said...

I would love to use your nutrition book for my class, but when I click on the link it doesn't work. Could you e-mail it to me? natalieann_@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

This booklet looks so cute, but I also can't seem to get the link to work. I know this email is a little after you posted, but if possible I would still love to check this out via email reefgirl44@hotmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to use this book with my class but when I click on it it does not open. Is there any way you can send me a copy? vdacosta7@hotmail.com

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I would like to work in your book but I can not open it. Please can you send me the copy? Thank you

Anonymous said...

I also couldn't open it and would love to see it. Could you send it my way too please? tulip9180@yahoo.com. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would love to use your book, but I also could not open it. Could you send me a copy too? smcuriel@yahoo.com. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Would you please send me a link to your mini nutrition book? I also could not open it. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I, too, cannot seem to open your nutrition book. Could you please send it to me? I teach 1st grade in SC.

Unknown said...

I am working on a nutrition unit as part of my pre-practicum and would love to see a copy of your book. Can you please email me the link?
Thank you,

Unknown said...

Hi am working on nutrition the now in class and would love to see a copy of your book/ Can you please send me a link?
my email address is wee_lynz89@hotmail.com
Thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

HI There,

I would also love your nutrition/food group booklet but am having trouble opening it as well. Would you mind sending it to me via email? Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi, could you please send the book to me as well. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Can you please send me a copy at blaxosxr@gmail.com ?


Jennifer said...

If possible, could you please send me a copy at ryannoteboom@gmail.com. This looks like it will be a great resource for our nutrition studies! Thanks

It's just Me said...

I think the book has great content but it disappoints me that there isn't proper sentence structure or capitalization. Drives me crazy when my first graders don't capitalize the word "I", let alone a teacher resource!

Alexandra Thiessen said...

I actually agree completely It's Just Me. Valuable feedback and an oversight on my part.

Thanks for the constructive criticism!!

Alexandra :)

Unknown said...

Hi This link is not working for me. It only loads 4 pages and then stops. I really love the first four pages so I'm hoping to be able to get the rest. Thank you

Unknown said...

Hi This link is not working for me. It only loads 4 pages and then stops. I really love the first four pages so I'm hoping to be able to get the rest. Thank you

sanchesginger@gmail.com said...

thanks for your recipes! you do very hard work! http://puressay.com/blog/essay-on-nutrition submits an essay about nutrition!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Here is another educational post about nutrition. It's more than simply necessary to follow all those strict directions to be strong and healthy for the rest of your life!

Sara said...

Oh! Thank you so much for this little book! I am getting together a tiny nutrition course together for my Homeschool Preschool/Kindergarten boys and this is just perfect for them! I especially love that it's in black and white so my non-color printer will do a fine job at printing and my kids can just color their hearts out! So far, for our little nutrition week we've read through "Why Do We Eat" Usborne book (I don't have the collection of Usborne, just this one I found at a consignment sale for $0.75!), and I'm going to let my kids make grocery lists and go shopping with some of their own money (that's what I call a win/win!) Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Is there a completed book with answers filled in? I have some possible answers to the fill in the blank, but not sure if its how I want to word it to my students.

Alexandra Thiessen said...

Hi Miss Taylor,

I do not have a completed book with answers. Sorry! If you have any questions about specific blanks, send them to me and I'd be happy to answer them!

Ujan sharma said...

I don t have the time at the moment to fully read your site but I have bookmarked it and also add your RSS feeds. I will be back in a day or two. thanks for a great site.

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Anonymous said...

Hola querida a mi hija de 7 años le enviaron como tarea tu libro pero en la parte the oils group no entiendo porque abajo habla de candy cookies